속담: Korean Expressions 2

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

하늘의 별 따기: Like plucking a star from the sky (to be virtually impossible)

뜻: 계획이나 목표에 성공하는 것이 불가능한 것 같을 때

Meaning: Achieving a goal seems impossible


하늘의 별 따기만큼 중국어 잘 말하기가 어려워요.

Speaking Chinese well seems so difficult -- it's virtually impossible.

제일 좋은 한국 대학교에 입학하기는** 하늘의 별 따기**에요.

Entering the best Korean universities seems almost impossible.

**배보다 배꼽이 더 크다: **Your navel is bigger than your stomach (the costs outweigh the benefits)

뜻: 중요하지 않은 것이 원하는 것보다 더 크거나 비싸요.

Meaning: The unimportant parts of something you want will cost you more than the thing itself


-- 엠스터뎀에서 파리까지인 비행기표가 무려 10유로였어요!

-- I bought a plane ticket from Amsterdam to Paris for €10!

-- 그래요?

-- Really?

-- 글쎄요... 표는 10유로 인데 좌석을 선택하기가 5유로 이고, 식사가 10유로 이고, 여분의 가방이 10유로에요.

-- Well... the ticket was €10, but choosing a seat was €5, the meal was €10 and my extra bag cost €10.

-- 배보다 배꼽이 더 크네요. 열차표가 더 싸요!

-- The costs outweigh the benefits. A train ticket is cheaper!

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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