Unforeseen cause, negative outcome: 는 바람에

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

In the structure V+는 바람에, the previously mentioned cause is always unforeseen and the outcome always has a negative impact on the speaker.

교통사고를 당하는 바람에 팔을 다쳐서 입원했어요.

I was in a car accident and injured my leg, so I was admitted to hospital.

여행 하면서 가방을 도둑 맞는 바람에 돈이 하나도 없었어요.

While I was on holiday my bag was stolen and so I have absolutely no money.

이상한 소리로 겁을 주는 바람에 잔을 떨어뜨렸어요.

I was startled by the strange noise and dropped my glass.

수업이 늦게 끝나는 바람에 버스를 놓쳤어요.

Because the class finished late I missed the bus.

차로 통근을 하는데 펑크가 나는 바람에 회사에 못 갔어요.

I was travelling to work in my car but then I got a puncture, so I couldn't go into work.

오늘 아침에 늦잠을 자는 바람에 지각해서 선생님께 벌을 받았어요.

This morning I overslept, so I was late for school and my teacher punished me.

비가 많이 오는 바람에 옷이 홈뻑 젖었어요.

It rained a lot so my clothes were totally soaked through.

휴대폰을 잃어버리는 바람에 연락하지 못 했어요.

I lost my phone, so I was unable to contact anyone.

결혼기념일을 잊어버리는 바람에 아내가 화를 냈어요.

I forgot my wedding anniversary so my wife was angry with me.

버스를 타러 뛰어 가다가 발을 헛디디는 바람에 넘어져 무릎을 다쳤어요.

I was running to catch the bus and missed my footing, so I fell and hurt my knee.

컴퓨터 충전기가 고장 나는 바람에 컴퓨터를 못 켜서 숙제를 못했어요.

My computer charger broke, so I couldn't turn in on and finish my homework.

동네가 정전되는 바람에 냉동식품이 다 녹았어요.

There was a power cut in the neighbourhood so all my frozen food melted.

버스에서 꾸벅꾸벅 졸다가 정류장을 지나치는 바람에 늦었어요.

I dozed off on the bus and then missed my stop, so I was late.

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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