까지 can be attached to a noun to say 'to/until/as far as' a place or time:
8시부터 2시까지 에 있을 거에요.
I will be in the office from 8am until 2pm.
[[공원]에 도달 할 때까지 [계속 직진해 가세요].
Keep going straight until you reach the park.
자정까지 돌아와세요.
Please come back before/by midnight.
지금까지 3장만을 읽었어요.
So far I've only read three chapters.
[언제까지 숙제 제출해야 되요?
When do we have to submit the homework?*
(lit. until when do we submit the homework)*
처음부터 끝까지, 이 책을 읽는 것을 어려웠어요.
From start to finish, reading this book was difficult.
새벽까지 컴퓨터 게임을 했어요.
Until dawn I was playing computer games.
[지난 밤 늦게까지 공부했어요.
I studied 'til late last night.