Understanding Tag Questions In Korean Using 죠

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

The Korean language has a way of transforming statements into questions, seeking agreement or confirmation.

This is achieved through the use of the tag question , which is a contraction of 지요.

Essentially, the formula is: V/adj (stem) + 죠?.

Let's delve deeper into this fascinating grammar point.

죠 for confirmation

The primary use of is to seek agreement or confirmation about something you already believe to be true.

시간이 참 빠르죠?

Time goes quickly, doesn't it?

날씨가 좋아죠?

The weather's great, isn't it?

나한테 화나죠?

You're angry with me, aren't you?

Subtle differences in context

While both forms ask a question, there's a nuanced difference between a direct question and a tag question.

밥을 먹었어요?

Have you eaten? (I have no idea if you've eaten or not)

밥을 먹었죠?

You already ate, right? (It's just after lunch, or you're walking out of a restaurant)

More examples using 죠

Understanding through varied examples can provide a clearer grasp on the topic.

그녀는 예쁜죠?

She's pretty, isn't she?

날씨가 춥죠?

The weather's cold, isn't it?


The 죠 tag in Korean serves as a subtle way of seeking affirmation about what's already known or believed.

It's a polite gesture, aiming to confirm or establish a shared understanding with the listener. As you continue learning Korean, recognizing and utilizing this tag will enhance your conversational fluency and politeness.

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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