On top of X, there's Y/ Everything from X to Y: 에다가 ...까지

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

N + 에다가 N + 까지 is used to say 'on top of X, there's Y' or that 'everything from X to Y' has happened. It requires two positive or two negative nouns, and is followed by some kind of result or realisation. 겹치다 (to pile up) can be added to emphasise that things are piling up:

더운 날씨에다가 공기오염까지 겹쳐서 바레인에서는 여름 동안 생활이 불편해요.

With everything from hot weather to air pollution, life in the summer in Bahrain is uncomfortable.

아내가 온두라스에서 일했을 때 국민들이 빈곤에다가 강력범죄까지 겹쳐서 아주 위험한 사는 곳이였다고 말했어요.

When my wife worked in Honduras she said there was everything from poverty to violent crime, so it was a very dangerous place to live.

한국 정부는 요즘 선거에다가 국민들의 시위까지 겹쳐 매우 곤란해졌어요.

These days the Korean government is facing a lot of difficulty, with the election on top of public protests.

숙제에다가 시험준비까지 겹쳐서 스트레스를 많이 받아요.

On top of homework I've got exam preparation piling up so I'm really stressed.

두통에다가까지 아파서 일하고 싶지 않아요.

On top of a headache I have a sore throat so I'm not going to work.

그 학생은 좋은 성적에다가 부지런하기까지 해서 선생님들이 그를 좋아해요.

That student has a good record and on top of that is hardworking so his teachers love him.

저녁에다가 후식까지 먹어서 너무 배가 불러요.

On top of dinner I ate dessert so I am really, really full.

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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