Now and then, I used to: 곤 하다, 곤 했다

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

** V + 곤 하다** and V + 곤 했다 talk about habits of the present and past respectively:

I do V from time to time: V + 곤 하다

저는 친구들에게 엽서를 보내곤 해요.**

**From time to time I sent postcards to my friends.

평소에는 건강에 좋은 음식을 먹지만 가끔은 튀김을 먹곤 해요.**

I usually eat healthy food but every now and then I eat fried food.


저는 한가할 때 신문을 보곤 해요.

When I have free time I usually read the newspaper.

기회가 있을 때 영국 친구한테 전화를 하곤 하는데 요즘은 야가시간이 없어요.**

Whenever I have opportunity I call my friends in the UK but these days I don't have much free time.


I used to (habitually): **V + 곤 했다 **

어렸을 때 방학 동안에 공부를 하는 대신에 하루 종일 게임을 하곤 했어요.

When I was young, instead of studying during vacation I used to play video games all day.

그는 할일이 없으면, 지역 주변을 거닐곤 했어요.

When he didn't have work to do, he used to stroll around the area.

저는 스트레스가 쌓이면 피아노로 제일 좋은 곡을 연주하곤 해요.

When I have a build up of stress I usually play my favourite song on the piano.

영국에 있을 때 극장에 자주 가곤 했어요.

When I was in the UK I used to go to the theatre often.

I didn't used to (but now I do): **V + 지 않곤 했다 **

삼계탕을 좋아하지 않곤 했어요.

I didn't used to like smagyetang (but now I do).

유명한 K밥 가수를 알지 않곤 했어요.

I didn't used to know any famous K-pop artists (but now I do).

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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