Maxims: ...을 때 ...해야 ...지

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

When expressing a generally accepted truth/maxim or giving 'soft' advice, the following three part structure can be used:

  • when you V/when you are A...
  • should V/and you V...
  • ...and you will V/will be A/will be N

을 때 열심히 공부해야 좋은 대학교에 가.

You should study hard when you are young so you can go to a good university.

친구가 힘들 때 도와 주어야 진정한 친구.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

(lit: When a friend is in difficulty and you help, you're a genuine friend)

고기를 양념할 때 굽기 전에 최소한 1을 숙성시켜야 더 맛있.

When you season meat, it should be marinaded for at least a day before roasting it, then it will taste even better.

스타디움에 있는 콘서트에 갈 때 일찍 도착해야 보는 무대의 전망이 좋.

When you go to a stadium concert, you should arrive early and then you'll get a good view of the stage.

문제가 있을 때 친구랑 이야기를 해야 기분이 더 좋.

If you have a problem you should talk to a friend and then you'll feel better.

햇빛이 강할때 몸에 선크림을 발라야 피부가 햇볕에 안 타.

When there's strong sunshine you should put sunscreen on and then your skin won't burn.

다른 도시로 이사할 때 새로운 친구들을 만나려고 해야 외로움을 느끼지 않.

When you move to a new city you should try and make new friends so that you won't feel lonely.

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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