I can't believe it!: 다니, (이)라니, 냐니

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

These structures are added to express shock or disbelief at what was said. The final clauses are optional:

V + 다니:

스페인팀이 독일팀을 이겼다니... 믿을 수가 없어요!

Spain beat Germany? ...I can't believe it!

한겨울인데 그 여자가 반바지 하고 티 셔츠를 입었다니... 미친 것 같아요!

In the middle of winter (i.e. at its coldest), that woman wore shorts and a tshirt... she must be crazy!

벌써 새 컴퓨터가 고장 나다니... 화나요!

My new computer is already broken... I'm angry!

이번 주말부터 일요일마다 일해야 된다니... 답답해요.

From this weekend I have to work every Sunday... it's frustrating.

톰 씨가 서울대 다닐 거라고 나니... 거짓말 같아요.

Tom will go to Seoul University?! ...It sounds like a lie.

N + (이)라니:

이마트에서 신선한 빵이 2만원 이라니... 아무도 안 살게요.

At E-Mart fresh bread is 20,000 won? ...No-one will buy it.

이 휴대폰은 무료라니... 믿을 수가 없어요!

This mobile phone is free? ...I can't believe it!

Q + 냐니:

그 남자가 친구에게 데이트 신청을 했냐니?

That man asked my friend out on a date? (No way!)

그 사람이 저에게 과체중 이냐니? ...너무 무례해요!

That man asked me my weight? ...That's so rude!

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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