Korean Hanja For Withdraw Or Retreat (退)

Written byLee Min-jung (이민정)

退 -- to retreat, withdraw

退 pronounced

퇴직 [하다 ] (退職) -- to retire

출퇴근 (出退勤) -- a commute

자퇴 [하다 ] (自退) -- to drop out of (a program)

퇴장 [당하다 ] (退場) -- to be banished, sent away; to walkout

퇴학 [하다/당하다 ] (退學) -- to leave school (before graduating)/to be expelled

퇴원 [하다 ] (退院) -- to be discharged from hospital

감퇴 [되다 ] (減退) -- to decline, ebb away

싸움 때문에 학생 두 명이 퇴학 당했어요.

The two students were expelled for fighting.

한국에서 일했을 때 출퇴근 거리가 10분 정도로 아주 짧았어요.

When I worked in Korea, the commute wasn't even 10 minutes.

스트레스를 엄청 받던 강의에서 자퇴한 것은 건강을 위해 가장 좋은 결정이었어요.

Dropping out of the extremely stressful course was the best thing I could do for my health.

월드컵 결승전에서 그 선수가 퇴장을 당했어요.

The player was sent off in the World Cup final.

영국 남자들은 65세가 되면 퇴직하고 연금을 탈 수 있어요.

In the UK, men can receive a pension when they retire aged 65.

수술을 받고 2일 후에 그녀가 퇴원했어요.

Two days after surgery, he was discharged from hospital.

30대에 축구 선수의 체력은 감퇴되는 편이에요.

In their 30s, football players' stamina tends to decline.

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Lee Min-jung (이민정)
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